
CHL Series
Ultra-High Purity
Ultra-Long Life, High-Flow
Ceramic Ball Valves

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AR Series Ultra-High Purity Ceramic Ball Valves

The Carten HiLife ceramic valve series is designed for challenging high purity environments with superior characteristics in the areas of corrosion, abrasion, cavitation, and control:

  • Corrosion-Resistant. Ceramics do not react with most chemicals, including strong acids and alkalis.
  • Abrasion-Resistant.  Ceramics are almost equivalent to diamonds in terms of hardness and they are highly resistant to wear.
  • Cavitation-Resistant.  Unlike stainless steel, they can handle continuous cavitation and high pressure differentials without cracking or wearing down. 
  • High Thermal Shock Resistance.  Our mini-control valves
    offer less than 0.2% backlash/stiction, 0.1 second
    average response time, and 0% overshoot.
  • Options.  Variations include manual, pneumatic, and electronic
    actuation, diameters from 1/2" to 6", Cv from 23 to 1041,
    and thin-dimension variants to allow for small gaps in pipeline
    or achieve standard lengths. 

CHL Series - Additional Information

CHL SERIES - Technical Data